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Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

Rpp Bahasa Inggris teks Narrative SMP/MTsN

NamaSekolah                      :SMP Negeri 2 Sigli
Kelas / semester                 : IX / Ganjil
Jenistexs                                : Narrative
Skill / kompetensi              : 1 x 30 Menit

I.                   STANDAR KOMPETENSI (Ref. 6)
Memahami maknatekstulisfungsionaldaneseipendeksederhanaberbentuk descriptive, recount dannarrative, untukberinteraksidalamkontekkehidupansehari- hari.
II.                KOMPETENSI DASAR (Ref. 6.2)
Mengungkapkanmaknadanlangkahretorikadalamesaipendeksederhanadenganmenggunakanragambahasatulissecaraakurat, lancer, danberterimauntukberinteraksidalamkontekskehidupansehari-haridalamkontekskehidupansehari-haridalamteksberbentuk descriptive, recount dannarrative.

III.             INDIKATOR
a.       Mengidentifikasilangkah-langkahretorikateks narrative
b.      Menyusun paragraph acakmenjadisebuahteks

a.       Diberikansebuahteks narrative, siswadapatmengidentifasilangkah- langkahretorikadenganbenar
b.      Diberikan paragraph acaksiswadapatmenyusunmenjaditeksdenganteks

1.      Tujuankomunikasideriteks: to entertain / amuse the reader
2.      Jeniskalimat yang di gunakandalamteks narrative : past tense
3.      Contohteksnarrative : Narrative teks is texs is kind of teks to retell the story that past tense.

The Monkey and the Crocodile
            One day there was a monkey. He wanted to cross a river. There he saw a crocodile to take him across the other side of the rifer. The crocodile agreed and told the monkey to jump on its back. Then the crocodile swam down the river with the monkey on his top.
            Unluckily, the crocodile was very hungry, he stopped in the middle in the rifer and said to the monkey, “My father is very sick. He has to eat the heart of the monkey. So he will be healthy again.”
            At the time, the monkey was in dangerous situation and he had to think hard. Then he had a good idea. He told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank. “What’s for?” asked the crocodile. “Because I don’t bring my heart, “said the monkey. “I left it under a tree, near some coconuts in the river bank,”
            The crocodile agreed and turned around. He swam back to the bank of the rifer. As soon as they reached the river bank, the monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back. Then he climbed up the of a tree.” Where is your heart?” asked the crocodile.” you are foolish,” said the monkey to the crocodile.” Now I am free and I have my heart.

Complete the sentences below by using the verb from the text !
1.      The monkey………………….a crocodile in the river
2.      The crocodile ………………..down the river
3.      The monkey …………………up the tree
4.      The monkey ………………...his heart under the tree
5.      The monkey don’t…………His heart
Jawaban :
1.      Saw
2.      Swan
3.      Climbed
4.      Left
5.      Bring


Orientation        ; (who, when, where)
       Once there lived a widow and her son on the West Coast of Minangkabau. She was very poor. They got their food by selling branches gathered by her son, Malinkundang from the forest. Her son was ten years old. Every day when his mother went to the market, he went to the coast. He felt lonely in his heart. He wanted to leave his lovely country.
Complication (what was happening) (problem)
         One day when he was young, a ship came into the coast. He ran to the ship and saw the captain of the ship ordering his men. The captain was dressed in beautiful clothes, and he smoked a nice cigarette. The captain saw MalinKundang, he saw him, “come here, my boy! What are you doing here? Do you like to work in my ship?” of course, he liked it very much. After a few hours the ship left the coast. His mother was very sad because he was her only son. Every day she prayed to god to protect her son. She wanted to live until her son came back.
        Time passed by, then a big ship came into coast. How surprised the widow was, when she knew that the captain of the ship was her son. She rushed to harbor, crying, “Malin, Malinkundang , my son . “  When she came near the captain, Malinkundang, the captain orders his men to stop her. Malinkundang was very ashamed because her mother wore bad and poor clothes. Pretended not to recognize his mother. He said that he did not have a mother like her. The ship left harbor. He did not like to see hiss poor mother. Her mother was very angry with her son. “God will punish you, Malin! I have been waiting for you and you have come safely, but you don’t like your poor mother. The sea will swallow you. “Then a great storm came and Mali’s ship sank down.

Contextual Teaching and Learning

A.      KegiatanAwal
-          Gurumemberisalam
-          Guru menyuruhsiswamenceritakansedikit yang diketahuitentangteks narrative.
B.      Kegiataninti
1.      Kegiatan guru
a.       Memintasiswamenyebutkantujuanteks narrative
b.      Menjelaskanlangkah-langkahretorikasebuahteks narrative
c.       Menjelaskanstrukturkebahasanteks narrative
2.      Kegiatansiswa
a.       Menyebutkantujuankomunikatifteks narrative
b.      Mengindentifikasilangkah-langkahretorikateks narrative
c.       Mengidentifikasistrukturkebahasaanteks narrative
C.      Penutup
-          Guru memberikesempatansiswauntukbertanya
-          Guru membuatkesimpulanberdasarkanmateri yang telahberlangsung
-          Guru memberitugas narrative yang lain di rumah.

-          Bukuteksrelevan
-          Kamus

IX.              PENILAIAN
a.       Melengkapikalimatdenganmenggunakan kata katadalamteks
Complete the sententences below using the verb from the text!

Kepala                                                                                    Guru Mata pelajaran


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